- Investment projects in R&D activities to develop new, or to significantly improve, products, processes or services.
- Projects with eligible expenses (R&D expenditure) > 10.000.000 €
(Projects below 10 million EUR are subject to a different cash grant incentive scheme available only for SMEs)
Types of Projects:
Individual (application submitted by one beneficiary / company) |
OR | Joint (application submitted jointly by a company and a non-corporate R&D entity) |
Type of Activities:
Industrial research (TRL*between 2 and 4) |
Or both combined | Experimental development (TRL*between 5 and 8) |
Eligible Expenses:
- Salary costs with technical staff dedicated to R&D activities;
- Acquisition of services from third parties, including technical and scientific assistance and consulting;
- Acquisition of scientific and technical tools and equipment (eligible amount: depreciation expenses for the duration of the project);
- Costs associated with patent registration and acquisition.
*TRL: Technology Readiness Level. Industrial Research: Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) between 2 and 4. Experimental Development: Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) between 5 and 8.
Support: Cash grant with base rate up to:
50% | Industrial research activities | 25% | Experimental development research activities |
Bonus rates:
+10 p.p. | +20 p.p. | +15 p.p. | +15 p.p. |
Medium-sized companies | Small-sized companies | Projects entailing collaborative actions and/or spillover of R&D results | Projects located in Norte, Centro and Alentejo regions |
How to Apply: