Share of renewables in electricity's production
Source: DGEG | 2022
Portugal's geographical position is favorable to multiple forms of renewable energy , with the country holding the following endogenous characteristics: rainfall (orography), sun hours (solar), topography (wind), seacoast (waves and offshore wind), forest (biomass).
Companies based in Portugal are driving innovation in the renewable energy sphere and play an important role in greening Europe's energy mix.
The country has demonstrated important leadership in the transition towards clean energy, by integrating electricity from renewable sources of energy.
Portugal also plays an important role in the production of components for renewables, having attracted relevant international players in the sector, namely for wind energy, such as blades, towers, rotor blades, solar panels, etc.
Furthermore, the country has been a pioneer in attracting and implementing technological advances and investments in emerging renewable sources, with internationally-known projects in Floating Offshore Wind, Wave, Tidal and Floating Solar.
Production of electricity by energy source | 2022
%Others include Waves and Geothermic Energy.